In August of 2022, SoCal Weim Rescue received a call from a concerned neighbor about a young Weimaraner named Klaus chained 24/7 to its owner's RV. When SCWR discussed the situation at their weekly board meeting, the board agreed to take the dog into its program and feared they may be dealing with an animal cruelty scenario. A team member promptly went to investigate the situation.
When the team member arrived to meet Klaus and his owner, a different story began to emerge. First, the dog was very healthy, happy, and well taken care of in a very nice residential RV park. Second, the 24/7 tethering was for the safety of the dog. Klaus's owner is a disabled man who has limited use of the right side of his body and walks with a limp and tethering Klaus to his RV ensures he cannot get away from him as he would be unable to chase after him if he were to get away given his limited mobility. Upon meeting the pair, it was more than obvious that this weimaraner was the man's heart and soul. He was literally in tears thinking his best friend was being taken from him.
The question now became, "how can SoCal Weim Rescue help this man avoid surrendering his dog"?
We helped first and foremost by getting Klaus neutered. Then we donated food, toys and a dog bed. Finally, and best of all, we hired a local individual to erect a fence to create a yard outside of the RV for Klaus to get him off of the rope. Within mere weeks of hearing of this situation, Klaus is now free to roam his small yard without being tied up and both man and dog are happy. SoCal Weim Rescue plans to return to erect shade sails and clean up the yard (the RV's awning is not functional).
For those of you worried about Klaus getting enough exercise, Klaus is somewhat of a local RV park celebrity and gets multiple walks a day from residents of the park as well as his owner. He is well known and everyone cares about him and helps keep him active.
SoCal Weim Rescue was formed to rehome Weimaraners in need and sometimes that means helping find a way to keep a Weimaraner with its owner. Whether that's insight on training, behavior, or just helping build a fence, what matters most is another Weimaraner is happy, healthy, and well loved by its people. And, yes, if circumstances change for Klaus and his owner, we'll be right there to help him.
We look forward to seeing Klaus continue to thrive.